Step 3 - Understand the JUnit test implementation

We need to ...

  1. ... use the two-factor authentication to access the Authors Microservice

  2. ... use a REST a client to send the requests to the Authors Microservice and Keycloak

  3. ... verify Authors Microservice response in the JUnit test

The simplified classdiagram shows an overview of classes of our project for the Authors Microservice and the JUnit test.

  • Test_GetAuthors class implemments the test.

  • AuthorJsonbAdapter class implemets the JSON-B adapter to convert Author objects to JSON format.

  • KeycloakAuthRequestFilter implements ClientRequestFilter to simplify the creation of the REST client to access the Authors Microservice.

The JUnit test is implemented to do following tasks:

  1. Use the two-factor authentication to access the Authors Microservice

    1. Request the bearer token from the Keycloak server. The request is implemented in the private getToken operation of the Test_GetAuthors class

    2. Use the KeycloakAuthRequestFilter interface implementation for a ClientRequestFilter. KeycloakAuthRequestFilter does help to automatically build the needed parameter from bearer-tokon response of the Keycloak server. We need now to invoke the AuthorsMicroservice with a REST Client which contains the bearer token we got from Keycloak.

    3. Invoke the Authors Microservice from the private getAuthorAuthorized operation of the Test_GetAuthors class.

      1. Using a WebTarget to build a REST client to send the request to the Authors Microservice

      2. Create from JSON response of the Authors Microservice an Author Java object, using the JSON-B adapter class AuthorJsonbAdapter.

  2. Verify the Authors Microservice response in the JUnit test

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